Friday, January 6, 2006

illustration friday: SEA

Here is my first entry to www.illustration


zordis said...

this is great. Love the little girl in the red jacket with black pearls. Gives the piece so much flavour with the stury background of ocean. The girl is perfect!

ValGalArt said...

this is so unique! is this a painting? really like this!

Rick Lovell said...

What an odd, yet beautiful girl...the proportions are wacky, but there's a natural, normal quality to her that's very alluring yet very strange. Great piece, and welcome to IF!

cosmos said...

Awsome Dude! Do more.

cosmos said...

OOPS! Awesome was mispelled.

gudbrandsdottir said...

I like the effect in the girls jacket, so plastic!
The sea is so real, is it painting?

illustr8a said...

Thanks for the comments and welcom! The piece for the "sea" theme is a mix of photomontage and photoshop, so not a painting (tho there is some digital painting involved).