Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Thanks to Jim at Computer Arts daily for the shout:

Ha! This new MySpace malarkey is turning into a great way of finding people to mention here. For example, Tokyo-based Sean Macfarlane, who has some fantastically surreal photomontage work under his belt. Keep the friend requests coming in.

Here's a link backatcha:
  • Computer Arts

  • It's funny reading about someone potentially interesting (artistically speaking) only to find they are talking about yourself. On my daily peruse around the online design portals I'm forever greeted by the grinning face of my buddy James Dean at Pixelsurgeon. The reason for his inexorable mugshot is that he has an interview there regarding his debut album under his 'Lost Idol' moniker. Good on you, old chap!
  • Lost Idol Pixelsurgeon Interview
  • Cookshop Music Online
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